AI Bots
The bots have AI scripting for every hero that I have meticulously programmed over many months.
Up to six players are spread across the map "Workshop Expanse". Each player is put in a bubble against an enemy dummy bot.
The player kills the enemy bot and progresses to the next hero in the list when the "Kill Goal" is met.
The player can select any hero they would like to practice on. The enemy spawn distances and play area will automatically be adapted to the optimal sizes for the chosen hero.
The bots have AI scripting for every hero that I have meticulously programmed over many months.
The are currently 11 difficulties ranging from "No AI Easy" ('No AI' meaning they do not have AI or attack, but simply move.) to "AI Bronze" to "AI Top 500". The difficulties named for competitive tiers approximately reflect the aim, movement, and reaction time of real players at those tiers.
The custom in-game menu can be accessed at any time with a quick key combination. The menu is navigated with the WASD keys.
Raven's AI Dome is designed so that players can configure their own settings to best aid what they would like to practice.
A few examples:
I started this project in January 2020 as soon as the "Workshop Expanse" map was released on the PTR.
The idea came from my first practice mode on the Practice Range that spawned random types of enemies and gave them very rudimentary movement.
I knew I wanted something that would spawn enemies at random distances from me facing a random direction. Initially I only intended it to be a small Widowmaker warmup and flick practice mode.
It is currently in the pre-release stage with changes happening rapidly.
I greatly appreciate any and all donations. This is a passion project of mine that I have put countless hours into. Any support is very welcome. 🥰
Donations are via PayPal®